2014 VW Polo facelift launched at Rs 4 Vw india has launched the polo facelift in the country with prices starting at rs 499, 000. The refresh brings to the polo a new front grille, a new front bumper ralph lauren sale UK with chrome foglamps and cornering lights, new headlamps, a new rear bumper with a larger license plate carrier and reflectors, new wheel covers or new 15 inch alloy wheels(Depending on the variant)And a new body colour. Apart from getting a brand new 1.5 litre diesel engine, the Polo facelift has cosmetic upgrades.Here is a visual comparison of the new and the old car. The front fascia of the new polo has undergone minor changes like receiving a new grille which has two black horizontal slats underlined by a single chrome member compared to the old car triple chrome slat design. The bumper has been reprofiled to accommodate a wider secondary
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